Al-Burhan: It Is Time To End War in Sudan by Addressing Root Causes

Political NewsSudan

Juba(SUNA) – The President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council, Lt. Gen. Abdul-Fattah Al-Burhan, stressed that it is high time  to end the war in Sudan by addressing its political, economic and historical causes.

He pointed out in his address at the ceremony in Juba for the initial signing of the peace agreement between Sudan government and the Revolutionary Front that peace represents the most important endeavor of the government in the transitional period.

The President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council affirmed that political stability and development can only be achieved by through comprehensive peace, which is stipulated in the constitutional document to end the conflict in all of Sudan.

Al-Burhan directed invitation to the leader of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement – North, Abdul-Aziz Al-Hillo, and the leader of the Sudan Liberation Movement, Abdul-Wahid Mohamed Al-Nour, to join the peace process

He affirmed that peace remained a dream of all the Sudanese people, adding that today we have put our feet on the right path to build the homeland and to reach a better future