Sudan calls for dialogue, diplomatic means for solving Ukraine crisis

– The Acting Foreign Minister, Ambassador Ali Al-Sadig met, today, at his office the Ambassadors of the European Union accredited to Khartoum.

The EU Ambassadors handed the FM mass condemnation paper expressing their position towards the Russian military attack on Ukraine as well as the condemnation of Belarus for supporting the Russian offensive.

The EU held Russia responsible for the implications of the Ukraine’s crisis and the violation of Minsk Agreement and the rules of the international law.

The EU diplomat made queries on Sudan’s stance towards the Russian and the background of the recent visit to Russia by the Vice-President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council and a number of government’s senior officials.

The Minister assured the European Union ambassadors that the visit of the First Vice-President of the Sovereign Council to Moscow was scheduled before the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis and aims to discuss aspects of bilateral cooperation between the two countries.

Regarding the position on the Ukrainian crisis, he stressed that Sudan calls for stopping the escalation on both sides, resorting to dialogue and preferring diplomatic methods to reach a solution to the Ukrainian crisis.