Minister of Irrigation: Agreement in Renaissance Dam Negotiation Requires Political Will

Khartoum(SUNA) – The Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources, Prof. Yasser Abbas, pointed out that reaching a agreement on the Renaissance Dam’s negotiation requires a decision from the highest leaderships in the three countries, indicating that the continuing of negotiation by the ministers in the current form will not be effective.

He said at the regular news forum of Sudan News Agency (SUNA) Saturday 29th August that the three parties in the past round of negotiations on the Renaissance Dam, which was concluded on Friday, were unable to merge the three drafts by the end of the date of August 28, 2020 which was set by the African Union.

Prof. Abbas said that the parties agreed that each of the three countries is to address the African Union’s presidency individually.

The Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources indicated that the Sudanese delegation has renewed its affirmation that negotiations are the only way to reach an agreement and assured its readiness and keenness to resume negotiations at any time after determination of the presidency of the African Union.