People’s Movement in Blue Nile Issues Statement on Roro and Tarfa Incidents

– The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement North – in the Blue Nile region has issued a statement on Friday regarding the security disturbances in the areas of Roro, in the Tadamon district and Tarfa in the Rosseires district.

The movement explained that the events began in the Roro area in a confrontation between shepherds and farmers which claimed lives of a number the people of the Blue Nile and the injury of at least five persons, indicating that at Tarfa area, the conflict erupted as a result of a quarrel.

The statement stated that it is normal and customary to resolve such issues and frictions through legal methods, but it was unfortunate that there are parties linked to the former regime, which are well known well, who attempted to undermine the security, harm the social fabric and to stir up disputed in the Blue Nile region.

The movement called on the security forces to live up to their role in keeping security and not to hesitate in maintaining the security of the citizens and the stability of the region and to deal with the security breaches in a timely manner.

The movement has affirmed its strong stance and our unlimited support to the government of the Blue Nile Region, and its security committee in the efforts to establish security and to impose the prestige of the state in the region.

The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement – North, Bule Nile region, asserted that it is working in full coordination and harmony with its partners in the Sudanese revolution (the Resistance Committees and the Forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change) in order to implement the slogan of the revolution, Freedom, Peace and Justice, calling on all parties to stick to the voice of reason and to abort the plots woven by the enemies of peace and peaceful coexistence and to bring all those involved in the latest incidents to justice immediately.