Hamdouk meets Qatari Deputy Prime Minister

Prime Minister, Dr. Abdalla Hamdouk met, Monday, at his office the visiting Qatari Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Abdel Rahman Al-Thani, currently visiting the country in the presence of the Cabinet Affairs Minister, Eng. Khaled Omar and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Mariam Al-Sadig Al-Mahdi.

The Qatari Minister conveyed the greetings of the Amir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani to Dr. Hamdouk, expressing Qatar’s support to Sudan to face the security, economic and political issues facing the country.

The Qatari official affirmed the necessity for working through the joint Sudanese-Qatari Committee co-chaired by the Prime Ministers to boost the joint cooperation.

The meeting also discussed the situations in Libya and Chad.

Dr. Hamdouk welcomed the Qatari investments in Sudan in all fields.