FFC Announces Return of NUP to Alliance and Singning of Framework Agreement FFC Announces Return of NUP to Alliance and Singning of Framework Agreement

Khartoum, Feb. 21 (SUNA) – The alliance of Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC) has announced return of the National Unionist Party (NUP) to the ranks of the alliance and its signing to the Political Framework Agreement.

The FFC welcomed in a press statement issued today the resumption of NUP to its activities in the alliance as it was a founding member of the FFC. The alliance affirmed that the current political stage need collaboration of efforts and joint work between revolutionary forces in order to achieve the civil democratic transition and complete the goals of the glorious December Revolution.

The two sides (FFC- NUP) made continuous contacts during the past period and discussed the current political situation and the lessons learned from previous experiences that led to return of the NUP to the alliance and its singing to the political framework agreement.