Buthina: The defunct regime abuses federalism

Minister of Federal Government, Buthina Denar has said that the defunct regime abused federalism and decentralization system through empowerment of its supporters in order to control the resources of Sudan and its people.

This came when the Minister addressed today at Grand Holiday Villa in Khartoum a seminar on enhancing public participation for choosing federal system.

The seminar is organized by Regional Center for Training and Development of Civil Society (RCDCS) in partnership with Open Society Initiative for East Africa.

The minister aid that the result of such abuse was the implementation of strong hold of totalitarian ideological regime with one party system.

Moreover the Minister stated that the glorious revolution has established a space for building  Sudan on new basis.

The first steps of building the new Sudan started by implementing Juba Peace Agreement which stipulates that Sudan shall be ruled through federalism.