Troika Affirms Support to Sudan to Solve Issue of East Sudan

Khartoum,   (SUNA)-The Troika countries(Norway, United Kingdom and US) has affirmed, in statement issued today, support to efforts of the  Sudanese government to address protests  in East Sudan, describing impact of these protests as dangerous for the country’s economy  and  life of their people.

The statement announced solidarity with the transitional government in calling for ending the ongoing blockade of ports and transport infrastructure in eastern Sudan, stressing that leaders in eastern Sudan should accept the government’s offer to address their grievances through a meaningful political dialogue instead of engaging in work that only leads to harming the national economy

It  indicated  to the troika’s awareness of the development challenges facing eastern Sudan, stressing the troika’s readiness to continue working in partnership with the civilian-led transitional government to confront these challenges, while recognizing that this is an internal issue.

The statement also urged the international community to provide full support for the Sudanese government’s efforts to resolve this issue and end the ongoing siege.