Mediaton calls on Abdul Wahid to join peace

Political NewsSudan

Juba (SUNA) – The Chairman of Mediation Team for Sudan’s [Peace, the Security Advisor of the President of the Republic of South Sudan, Tut Galwak held, Monday, a press conference, at Pyramids Hotel in Juba following the signing of the Matrix of implementation of Peace Protocols.

The Southern Mediator outlined that the Sudanese People’s Liberation Movement/North/, Abdul AZIZ Al-Hilo Wing, affirmed his commitment to Juba Forum and the return to the negotiation table.

Tot invited Abdul Wahid Nur to join peace negotiations“We call on brother, Abdul Wahid and we tell him that your people in Sudan are calling for peace, specially, the people of Darfur” Galwak stressed.

He renewed that security in Sudan and South Sudan is a joint concern and the stability of the two states is linked together, affirming that the final signing of the peace Agreement will be on the beginning of October, in Juba.