ICC Pre-Trial Chamber Holds Hearing to Confirm Charges against Kosheib

The Second Pre-Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) Monday started in its buildings in The Hague the sittings for “confirmation of charges” against Ali Mohamed Ali Abdul-Rahman “Kosheib”, who is accused of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Darfur region 2003-2004.

The first sitting was confined to hearing the confirmation of the charges directed against Kosheib, based on the existence of substantial and reasonable evidence in the case against him.

Kosheib is facing 31 charges related to war crimes and 22 charges related to crimes against humanity that were committed against civilians in Darfur region during 2003 – 2004 at Kodo, Bandesi, Makjar, Arwala, deblig and other surrounding areas.

These crimes include murder, rape, forced deportation and transfer of population, imprisonment and severe deprivation, torture and persecution, inhuman acts, attacks on life, assault on personal dignity, degrading treatment, deliberate attack against the civilian population, and looting and robbery.

The confirmation of the charges aims, for the three judges, to decide whether there is sufficient evidence that constitutes reasonable grounds to believe that the accused has committed the suspected crimes.

If all or part of the charges is approved, then the case will be transferred to the court circuit to start the next phase in the trial procedures.

The sitting began by hearing the pleas of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda, and her legal office.

The court will hear the pleas of the lawyers of the victims and the defence lawyers of Kosheib.

The sittings for confirming the charges against Kosheib will continue until Thursday, May 27.