Features of Emergency Program of Transitional Government

Khartoum,  (SUNA) – The transitional government’s Emergency Program and Alternative Policies Document has revealed a package of general, organizational and economic policies for development, peace-building and poverty reduction.

The main features of the program, a copy of which was received by SUNA, included six axes, including the axis of stopping war, peace building, the democratic transformation, economic development and financial policies, services, citizenship, foreign relations and investment, as well as organization of sectoral conferences and professional workshops during the first year of the program.

The Forces of Freedom and Change announced that they delivered the Emergency Program and the alternative policies to the Prime Minister, Dr. Abdullah Hamdok.

The economic program is aimed to prepare a package of urgent and quick solutions to deal with the economy through the use of available resources, implementation of policies to reduce poverty and achieve social justice, realizing economic efficiency, addressing the issue of debt, rationalizing spending in the military and security and directing the spending to development, and empowerment of the public sector to play a key role in development, along with women’s economic empowerment.

The economic, development and financial policy axis include the economic program, living needs and production inputs, banking sector reform, agricultural and pastoral sector, transport sector, telecommunications and information technology, in addition to funding the ambulance program project.

The key features of the economic emergency program includ fiscal policies, revenues and public expenditures and budgetary management, monetary policies, restoring confidence in the banking system, curbing inflation and managing foreign exchange, realizing infrastructure reform, addressing debt issues, rehabilitation of productive sectors, and economic policies supporting investment.

The fiscal policies aims to correcting imbalances in the public budget, and making a real change in the structure of public expenditure by giving priority to the peace projects, rationalizing government spending and reducing military and security expenditures, reviewing the allocation of resources on a decentralized basis, and the exclusive mandate of the Ministry of Finance on public finances. It also aims to developing tax sources and addressing non-tax revenues, as well as a comprehensive review of fees and levies.

The monetary policies also aims to reducing the inflation and prices, stabilizing the exchange rate, the independence of the central bank, and restoring confidence to banks.