Cabinet briefed on Mediation Initiatives on Sudan-Ethiopia border issues

Khartoum,  (SUNA) – The Council of Ministers chaired by the Prime Minister, Dr. Abdalla Hamdouk, on Tuesday, briefed on the mediation initiatives with Ethiopia concerning the border issues and the    Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.

The ministers discussed the report of the Technical Committee to deal with the UAE Initiative for mediation between Sudan and Ethiopia on border and the Dam issues.

The Council affirmed the report of the committee and welcomed, in principle, the UAE Initiative in the context of maintaining the country’s higher national interests.

The meeting heard to reports on the formulation of the top priorities of the Transitional Government and the works of the Ministerial Committee assigned to address the difficult living condition presented by the Cabinet Affairs Minister, Engineer, Khaled Omar.

The Cabinet, also reviewed a paper on the rationalization of the official statement and its unity in terms of importance and procedures, presented by the Minister of Culture and Information Hamzah Balloul, who referred to the contents of the official statements and the importance of rationalizing it and the required procedures, in this connection.

Briefings on the COVID-19 and endowment were also discussed during the meeting