A’Aisha Moussa Appeals To International Community Support Sudan’s Efforts To Help Refugees

Political NewsSudan

Khartoum (SUNA) – The member of the Transitional Sovereign Council, A’aisha Moussa, has appealed to the international community and humanitarian organizations to support the Sudan’s efforts to meet the refugees needs in the country.

During her meeting Wednesday 9th September in her office in the Republican Palace, with Mohammed Yassin Al-Tohami, the acting refugee commissioner, who noted in a press statement that the meeting dealt with refugee issues in Khartoum State, whose number exceeds 400,000 refugees, indicating that the meeting discussed how to help the refugees in light of the conditions that Sudan is going through, especially the refugees from the state of South Sudan hosted by Khartoum state.

He indicated that the meeting concluded with the formation of a technical and operational mechanism between the Commission of Refugee Affairs and the General Administration of Passports and Immigration of the Ministry of Interior, in addition to a number of relevant ministries and national and international voluntary organizations with the purpose of providing aid and assistance to the refugees.

Al- Tohamy explained that the meeting asserted the importance of building partnerships with all international and national humanitarian organizations to develop refugee aid programs in Sudan.