Tahir Hajar returns home After participation in climate change summit

The member of the Transitional Sovereignty Council, Abu Bakr Hajar, returned to the country this evening after his participation in the activities of the Climate and Research Summit, which was hosted by the Djibouti capital, with the participation of heads of state, governments of East Africa and the IGAD countries and a number of experts and figures concerned with the climate and the environment.


Director of the Arab Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Omar Issa, noted that the summit discussed issues related to climate and environment, and the challenges facing East African countries and the IGAD in the field of climate change and how to overcome them, pointing to the Sudan participation with a high-level scientific delegation in the specialized sessions and workshops headed by the Director of the University of Khartoum.

He added that the summit witnessed the inauguration of the Regional Climate Observatory, with the participation of Heads of State and Government of the East African Region, which is an essential tool to help the region’s countries to monitor the effects of climate change and its repercussions on the peoples of the region.