President of Egypt Receives Al-Burhan at Al-Ittihadiya Palace

The President of Egypt, Abdul-Fattah Al-Sisi, received Wednesday at Al-Ittihadiya Palace the President of the Sudanese Transitional Sovereignty Council,  Gen. Abdul-Fattah Al-Burhan, where the official reception ceremony was held and the two national anthems were played and the guards of honor was inspected.

A sitting of talks was held between the two presidents alone, followed by an expanded sitting that included the delegations of the two countries.

The meeting was prevailed by the spirit of cordiality and brotherhood that embodies the deeply rooted and distinguished relations between the two brotherly countries.

The two sides reviewed the overall bilateral relations between Sudan and Egypt, where satisfaction was expressed for the level of coordination between the countries, and they affirmed the importance of strengthening the economic relations and increasing trade exchange in a way that amounts to the existing level of the political relations and the historical ties that unite the two brotherly peoples of the Nile Valley, as well as the Maximizing the efforts to achieve agricultural integration and the railways and electrical connection between the two countries, as well as deepening joint cooperation on the security and military levels, in a way that contributes to achieving the interests of the two countries and the two brotherly peoples.

The Egyptian side

affirmed Egypt’s full awareness of the delicate situation that Sudan is currently going through, and the need for joint action so that the current developments in the international arena do not affect the efforts to support Sudan to achieve political, security and economic stability, and assured Egypt continuous efforts to send aid and support packages, logistical and humanitarian aid for Sudan, in addition to providing technical support to Sudanese cadres and reactivating all the bilateral cooperation programs, based on Egypt’s unlimited support to Sudan in all fields and at the various levels, as well as the close link between the Egyptian and Sudanese national security.

The Sudanese side expressed its praise of the firm popular and governmental rapprochement between Egypt and Sudan, and appreciated in this regard the mutual efforts to promote joint the cooperation between the two countries, and the sincere Egyptian support through various forums to preserve the safety and stability of Sudan, affirming in this regard the existence of broad prospects for promoting the cooperation between the two countries.

The Sudanese side stressed Sudan keenness to provide a supportive climate in the various strategic development fields, as well as its reliance on the

transfer of the Egyptian experience in the fields of economic reform and the training Sudanese cadres.

The two sides also discussed the affairs of the Sudanese community in the Arab Republic of Egypt, where the Sudanese side expressed its appreciation for the generous care the Sudanese community is receiving in Egypt, while the Egyptian side emphasized the permanent welcome of the sisterly Sudanese community in their second country, Egypt, and their inclusion in all aspects of care in light of the blood relationship and the historical ties between the peoples of the Nile Valley.

With regard to the latest developments in the regional issues of common concern, the two sides reviewed the developments in the Renaissance Dam file, and agreed on the continuation of intensive consultation and mutual coordination in this context during the coming period, emphasizing the paramount importance of the water issue for the Egyptian and Sudanese peoples as a national security issue.

The two sides assured adherence of Sudan and Egypt to reaching a fair, equitable and binding legal agreement for the process of filling and operating the Renaissance Dam, in a manner that achieves the common interests of all parties.

On the Libyan issue, the two sides stressed the importance of the preservation of

Libya’s stability, unity and territorial integrity, and affirmed their support for all efforts aimed at reaching a Libyan –  Libyan political solution, and called on all the Libyan parties to agree with each other to move towards the future for the benefit of Libya and its people, without any external dictates or interventions, as well as the importance of support to the role of the Libyan state institutions and their assumption to their responsibilities.

The Sudanese and Egyptian parties also stressed the necessity of the exit of foreign forces, mercenaries and foreign fighters from Libya within a specific time period in implementation of the relevant UN, international and regional resolutions, in addition to the need for the 5 + 5 Joint Military Committee to continue its work and the commitment of all parties to stop military actions in order to preserve the security and stability of Libya and its people.