Forces of Freedom and Change Welcome Statement of Armed Forces

The Forces for Freedom and Change welcomed the statement issued by the official spokesperson of the Armed Forces today, and the Executive Office of the Forces for Freedom and Change said in a statement circulated this evening that the statement conveyed an affirmation of the Armed Forces’ commitment to the ongoing political process and full and strict adherence to the provisions of the framework agreement.

The Forces of Freedom and Change also stressed their adherence to the established political process based on the framework agreement and their keenness to complete the discussion of the issues of the final stage of the political process, foremost of which is the unification and reform of the military system.

They also affirmed their keenness on completion the discussion of the issues of the final stage of the political process, and their commitment to joint work with all the forces of the revolution to establish and manage the transitional period in a way that guarantees its stability and the completion of its tasks, top of which is the unification and reform of the military system and its exit from the political process, and the launch of a comprehensive process of justice and transitional justice, and addressing the economic crisis, the institutional reform and the dismantling of the empowerment state on June 30, and other tasks leading to free and fair general elections at the end of the transitional periodز