Dr. Hiba Mourns the Martyrs, Renews Support for Customs Against Smuggling


Khartoum (SUNA) – The Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Dr. Hiba Mohamed Ali, has affirmed her keenness to support the Customs Administration and the other regular forces in their combat to smuggling and economic sabotage.

At the regular news forum of Sudan News Agency (SUNA) on Tuesday, the minister announced the adoption of package of measures to reduce the recurrence of the heinous crime in which a group of the Customs forces were ambushed on Sunday by smuggling gangs in the Northern State, killing five of those forces.

 The minister said that she is certain that the perpetrators of this criminal act will be arrested soon.

She praised the great role being played by the Customs authorities, as a unit of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, in curbing the smuggling that threatens the economy, adding that the smuggling of strategic goods outside the country is one of the biggest threats to the economy.

Dr. Hiba has expressed her deep condolences to all employees of the Customs Corporation, the Police Forces, and all families of the martyrs.