Defense Minister and Jean-Pierre discuss issues of UNISFA mandate in Abyei Defense Minister and Jean-Pierre discuss issues of UNISFA mandate in Abyei

– The Minister of Defense, Lieutenant-General Yassin Ibrahim Yassin, discussed with the Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations for Peacekeeping Operations, Jean-Pierre Lacroix, issues related to the mandate of UNISFA forces in Abyei and the common borders between Sudan and the State of South Sudan, stressing the extent of commitment of Sudan to provide facilities to implement the mandate of the UNISFA mission.

The Minister of Defense on his part has welcomed the visit of the Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations to Sudan, asserting the Sudan’s readiness to continue its support for the efforts of the UNISFA mission.

It is worth noting that the Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations for Peacekeeping Operations will leave to the UNISFA mission headquarters in Abyei for two days.