Corporal court to continue session next Monday

The court  trying the case of Intelligence corporal, Mirghani Al-Gaili , who was assassinated  during the  18 March , 2021 procession  which is chaired by  the Hon. Judge  Jamal Mamoon  Sabdran, will continue session next Monday  to hear statements of the accusation witnesses.

In the same context, the accusation body asked the court to give it a time to bring the declared witnesses in coordination with the Khartoum Wasat prosecution while the accusation body failed to bring two of the witnesses for their travel outside Khartoum State in addition to other four witnesses   whose mobile phones are shutdown.

The representative of the accusation  added  that the next sitting  will hear  statements of  witnesses who will attend  the sitting   and those who will be  absent  would be dropped out  and in the light of that the court agreed to end the today’ session