Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief inspects Hattab Operational Bas

The President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council, the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, General Abdel-Fattah Al-Burhan, inspected today the forces at Hattab Operational Base.

His Excellency saluted all the members of the Armed Forces whom he described as continuing to defend the security, unity and territorial integrity of the country, as he saluted all the martyrs.

Al-Burhan stressed that they will remain fighters in the Armed Forces and defenders of it until the last moment, stressing that the Armed Forces will not abandon their weapons, values ​​and great principles.

In addition, His Excellency noted that the Armed Forces have changed many of their work patterns and modified their organizations to keep pace with the changes that have occurred in the country since 2019, in away that enhance their role as national forces that defend the country and its people, and will not delay in responding to the call of the Sudanese people despite the campaigns they have been subjected to from certain and well-known groups who have been spreading lies, malicious rumors and inciting against the Armed Forces, by spreading false allegations that the Army is working to restore the National Congress and the Islamic Movement to rule.

The Commander -in-Chief of the Armed Forces reiterated that the Army has no tribe, region or party to defend it, especially the National Congress and the affiliates of the Islamic movement, who have to be satisfied with the past thirty years, affirming that they will never again reach power through the Armed Forces, for the Army has its main cause represented in its slogan of (God – the Homeland), far from any

political alliances with any group.

Regarding the current political situation, His Excellency clarified the position of the Armed Forces regarding the current political understandings, indicating that there are some political forces that are already in dialogue with the Armed Forces, and they are national forces that care about the country like it.

He also referred to many initiatives and visions that were presented, stressing that the established principle of the Armed Forces is that it put its hands in the hands of everyone who works for the interest of the country, but it will only take sides with the issues of the homeland and the citizen, stressing that no initiative or vision that does not achieve the aspirations of the Sudanese people and agreed upon by all will pass.

Al-Burhan also noted that no party will be allowed to interfere in the affairs of the Armed Forces, which are considered as red lines.

He stated that the Army leadership would not sign or stamp any project that would dismantle the country and its Armed Forces.

His Excellency added that they want the glorious December Revolution to be a real revolution that meets the aspirations of the people.

He also called on the national forces aligned in the interest of the country to agree among themselves to complete the transitional period with a consensus that does not exclude anyone save the National Congress, noting that the Army leadership was able to form a government but it chose to go on the path of national consensus.

This came in the presence of the Chief of Staff, General Mohamed Osman Al-Hussein, the Armed Forces Command Authority and commanders of units, formations and operational bases