Ardol Regrets Events in Blue Nile and Calls for Resort to Reason, Refrain from Violence

The Secretary General of the Forces of Freedom and Change (National Accord) and Head of the Political Bureau of the Democratic Alliance for Social Justice, Mubarak Ardol, has expressed his deep regret over the deaths and injuries in the bloody events that took place in Blue Nile State in the past days.

In a tweet on his account on social media, Ardol called on the disputing elements of the tribes Berta and Hausa to resort to the voice of reason, implement wisdom, renounce violence and adhere to the social heritage based on social coexistence to address and resolve the current differences, indicating that there is no gain from the use of violence, which will lead to more shedding blood, causing pain and bitterness, and spreading the spirit of revenge, a matter that no one needs.

He referred to the model that the Blue Nile community continued to set in terms of peaceful coexistence based on the past, present and common future among all the ethnicities and tribal components.

Ardol has called on the Blue Nile region’s leaders, including the politicians, intellectuals, and notables in the two disputing tribes, to play an active role in achieving peace, reducing tension and blocking the way for the ignorants toward overcome the transient crisis.