Al-Badawi briefes US Envoy on Economic Reforms

The Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Badawi, received in his office Sunday the American envoy for Sudan, Donald Booth, and acquainted him with the efforts undertaken by his ministry for economic reform through the 2020 budget, which are aimed to address the financial structural imbalances, provide a decent life for the citizens, reduce poverty rate, realize optimal use of resources and to shift from a consumer economy to a productive one.

The two sides agreed on the importance of convocation of the Donors Conference before the mid of current year 2020.

Dr. Al-Badawi has informed the US envoy of the plans and programs of his ministry for achieving sustainable development and supporting the agricultural, industrial and social support sectors.

The Minister of Finance also called on the US envoy to cooperate with Sudan to remove obstacles in bank transfers, which have become a major obstacle impeding the transfers of the Sudanese expatriates to support their government.