Tawer Inspects Situation of Citizens and Flood-Affected Areas in Nahr Al-Neil

GeneralPolitical NewsSudan

Atbara (SUNA) – Member of Transitional Sovereign Council, Prof. Siddiqi Tawer, started on Monday 7th September a visit to Nahr Al-Neil State.

During his visit to Nahral-Neil State, which will last one day, Prof. Tawer will inspect the situation of citizens and the size of damage resulting from the floods at the areas of Hajar Al-Assal,Al-Basabir of Shandi Locality, Um- Rahaw  in Al-Damer town and Abu-Hamad Locality.

Prof.Tawer was received at Al-Mattama Locality by the Wali (governor) of the state, Dr. Amina Ahmed Mekki, and members of her government.