Al-Burhan inspects scene of Jabra incidents

Khartoum,   (SUNA) – President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council (TSC) and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces Gen. Abdel-Fattah Al-Burhan inspected Monday evening the scene of the incidents at Jabra area, south of Khartoum, where the security forces carried out an operation to apprehend a terrorist cell, where Al-Burhan got assured on the safety of the citizens at the area.

Al-Burhan received briefing from the security services on the success of the operation, where he expressed appreciation for the joint security force that carried out the operation.

It is noteworthy that the joint security force managed to kill four elements of the terrorist cell, who numbers six, while two of the terrorists were wounded.

One of the joint security force, non-commissioned officer of the special forces unit of the Armed Forces, Mohamed Omer Al-Shami, was martyred in the operation.